Conflict vs Competition

Have you ever heard of “central conflict” in writing? Probably, maybe? It’s kind of a screenwriter’s term in many ways but its really a story term. The idea is that the protagonist of the story should be embroiled in a conflict over something important and that this conflict is what the entire story revolves around.

Its a pretty usable concept, but one that I find limiting. Today I’d like to offer up a different term that’s a bit more broad and definitely more flexible.

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D&D: Guardian of Death's Altar

Good morning everyone. I’m trying something new today - positing D&D content. Not for money though. Not for youtube. Not for self-promo. Not for Patreon. But for fun. YUP. Good old guy-with-a-blog fun.

Today’s dish is a boss I made for my D&D 5e crew to fight. He’s a CR14 undead flying reaper and boy is he nasty. That’s cause I incorporated design elements from the LancerRPG’s ULTRA bosses. Mwahahahah!

Read more for stats and my commentary.

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The Hag Report

Twitter is being a piece and eating my thread, so here is the accounting of a play session where my players took a death priest to a midnight exchange with hags in trade for dirt on the god of death.

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Travis Bach's Story Questionnaire

Hi Folks, I’m mostly an editor much more than a writer but over the years of solving story problems on both sides of the fence, I’ve come up with a short - pointed - quiz that often solves both my problems as a writer and which serves as a tool to help the writers I serve. It’s only 8 questions. Each is likely answerable in a few paragraphs.

If your story is stuck in the mud, lost in the trees, or plagued with doubts and you don’t know how to fix it - give this a try.

Answer my questions and BE SPECIFIC. If you are vague… -10 for Ravenclaw… haha, ok not really. Vague answers means you don’t know enough and that’s a trouble spot. Go gnaw on it until you can give a specific answer that you like. You’ll be amazed at how often this will fix problems.

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The Five Stages of AI - where we're headed.

I remember reading someone said, “Once we make AI that’s smarter than us, we won’t be able to keep control of it.”

And immediately a host of people said various versions of, “but we control it’s programming.”

Which is totally ignorant to the fact that machine learning is this black-box we through data sets into in order to get AI out. Exhibit A - Google translate invented its own internal language that we don’t know and can’t understand.

With this present and a bunch of history in mind, I’d like to make a prediction about how all this AI stuff is going to go for us humans. Because we humans cannot stop ourselves from making this thing. That’s cause we love good tools more than anything. So hey, the first phase is…

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Gearstorm: The Mars Blockade (Short Story)

I hope you all have been enjoying the Gearstorm short stories so far. Unfortunately, I’m pretty much out of ICA colony stuff. But there are a few other points in the history that I’d love to visit. Today we’re going back to get a glimpse of what went down in the Sol system after the ICA Vanguard made its desperate launch.

This will be the second-to-last story in the Gearstorm series. But I did promise a grand finale and that’s coming up. The very next post will be about a pivotal and hella-dramatic point in the history of Apollyon. I can’t wait for ya’ll to read it.

But for now, we’ll share a tough moment with the crew of the MSS Duty.

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Gearstorm: What's Cooking? (Short Story)

Today we get to see our fictional ICA colony at around day 500 as a great discovery is revealed to our cast and crew.

But before you click read more, please help us out by visiting the Gearstorm kickstarter page or sharing it’s link around. We’re hoping to strap on the rocket-boosters the game needs to become its best.

If you’re knew to the Gearstorm series, I’d encourage you to start at the beginning with The Last Day at the ICA story.

Anyway, on to the show!

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The sequel to Forever Fantasy Online is out today!

It’s here! It’s finally here! Last Bastion, book 2 in the FFO series, is out now in eBook and Audiobook on Amazon. I’m hopping with joy and uncomfortable levels of excitement right now folks. My poor dog is looking at me like I’m a lunatic. ^_^


The first reviews are starting to appear already and things are looking good. The wonderful TS Chan said that Last Bastion has a “Sanderson-esque level of addictiveness”. I’m absolutely floored by such praise!

Also, you can read the whole series for free if you have Kindle Unlimited. Which, by the way, please don’t worry about me if you do. Amazon pays authors on a per-page basis for KU. Someone reading the full FFO2 on Kindle Unlimited actually earns me more than an eBook sale. So it’s guilt-free all around.

I hope you all enjoy Last Bastion. It was a wild ride to write, that’s for sure.

Gearstorm: We don't believe in reincarnation

I’m glad ya’ll have enjoyed the Gearstorm stories so far. We still have high hopes on the kickstarter and it’s only half-done. Today I have another story for you. This one takes place after Day 1, Reboot Humanity and continues to focus on the oddities and dangers of the ICA colony.

If you are enjoying these shorts, please hop over to the game’s kickstarter page and take a look. Thanks!

Now, on to the fiction!

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Gearstorm: Lore and History

If you’re curious to learn more of Gearstorms’s lore, I’m here today with some links for you.

"Apollyon...what a cruel fate for man's second Eden to be named so. That such a grim name comes from the highest bidder's list is, I find, a most fitting start to its prophecy of our destruction." -Jorg Neuman, Astrophysicist. 2191 AD.

Links inside the post. ^_^

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Gearstorm: The Last Day at the ICA

So, ya’ll remember that video game I was hinting at doing some writing for? Guess what - I can finally talk about it! The game is called Gearstorm and it’s a military sci-fi survival game. If base-building on an alien world infested with space-zombies is your thing, or might be your thing, check out the kickstarter. Also, keep reading cause I’ve got something special down below.

Anyway, Gearstorm is made by my friends over at Iron City Games. They’re a gutsy two-man game dev company and they’ve been inventing new wheels (like Unreal engine terrain generation algorithms) to put on this crazy game for almost five years now. So I really hope they succeed.

But today isn’t just me advertising my friends’ game, I come bearing gifts in the form of free fiction for you all! While working on the lore of the Gearstorm setting, I got all inspired and wrote some fun short-stories set in the world. These helped us get a feel for the game back when it was little more than rag-dolls and zombies.

So, without further adieu, I give you the start - the last day at the ICA.

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Last Bastion (FFO2) is available for pre-order

It’s time! After many months of hinting, I am proud to announce that the sequel to Forever Fantasy Online is coming out soon! As in April 30th, 2019.

Bonus: It’s a simultaneous release of the ebook and the audio book. (print will follow as always)

You’ll have to stay tuned for sample chapters as those are going up later. ^_~ But, without further adieu, I give you FFO book 2…

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Announcing Announcements?

Life was tough this winter, but the writing continued. We’re getting ready to make all manner of announcements as concerns FFO2: Last Bastion. The long wait is coming to an end.

On that note - book 1’s cover is going to be changed soon. So, if you have a printed copy, then congrats! You have a rare version of the book that might never be available again. How cool is that?

If you don’t have a print edition yet now’s your chance for said rare version. (Note to self: order another box of stock before changing the cover.)

How I Copy Paste from Word to Scrivener while preserving italics.

How I Copy Paste from Word to Scrivener while preserving italics.

I don’t intend for to be a writing blog, but some things are too important not to share. So, the title says it all - this is how I am copy-pasting from MS Word, to Scrivener, on Windows 10, without losing my italics and such. Will it work for you and your workflow/manuscript? IDK. I’m not a Scrivener guru, more like a neophyte. I hope my process here will help other authors leap over this hurdle one way or the other.

So if you’ve ever tried to do this, then you know what a pain it is. Paste-Match-Style from MS Word to Scrivener will dump italics and it’ll make all your quotes straight quotes. So you have the devil’s choice of manually transferring the word document OR all your precious formatting.

Keep reading to see how I managed to solve this problem.

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Update: Where has Travis been?

TL;DR - life’s been hard lately. I mean, my flooded basement was #2 on the list of horrible things I’ve been dealing with. Imagine that. Anyway, that’s why the short stories have dried up all of a sudden. I have limited resources right now and writing Forever Fantasy Online takes priority over blogs and social media when my time & energy are tight.

Speaking of FFO - I have some happy updates for everyone on that front.

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